Now in its eighth year, Ocean Talks is a face-to-face event that brings together the superyacht industry and the world of marine conservation via meaningful conversation, inspirational talks and networking. Held in partnership with Ocean Family Foundation, this year’s event will feature world-renowned keynote speakers and a range of exhibitors showcasing the best and latest ocean-saving projects, initiatives and products.
When is Ocean Talks?
Ocean Talks will take place on 12 June 2025 - the week following World Oceans Day - at 17:00-20:00.
Where is Ocean Talks held?
Ocean Talks 2025 will be held in London at The Magazine, the Serpentine North Gallery in Hyde Park.
How do I get a ticket to Ocean Talks?
Tickets to Ocean Talks are free but attendees must register their attendance.
The complete speaker lineup for Ocean Talks 2025 has yet to be confirmed, but BOAT International is delighted to unveil this year's keynote.
Keynote: Colin Butfield
Colin Butfield is the co-founder and director of Open Planet Studios, a production company dedicated to impactful storytelling. His extensive work in documentary filmmaking includes the BBC series Earthshot, Netflix features A Life on Our Planet and Breaking Boundaries and National Geographic’s feature documentary Ocean with David Attenborough.
Beyond filmmaking, Butfield founded, a non-profit initiative that provides open-source, free-to-use footage, empowering storytellers worldwide to share narratives about our changing planet in their own language and from their unique perspectives.
With over 15 years of experience, Butfield has written and produced numerous high-profile events, often in collaboration with Sir David Attenborough. His work includes Attenborough's landmark speech at the opening of COP26, main stage events at Davos (2019 and 2020), as well as key engagements for the World Bank, IMF, COP26 Private Finance Agenda, G8 and the UN Security Council.
A passionate advocate for conservation, Butfield has led high-impact campaigns and contributed to multiple UN Climate and Biodiversity initiatives. He is the co-author of Earthshot, published by John Murray, alongside his business partner Jonnie Hughes and HRH Prince William. His upcoming book, Ocean: Earth’s Last Wilderness, co-written with Sir David Attenborough, is set for release soon.
The exhibitor list for Ocean Talks 2025 has yet to be announced but previous editions have showcased a diverse range of initiatives, from fashion brands and furniture manufacturers to scientific research companies and community conservation projects.
Ocean Family Foundation
Founded by four sea-loving families who feel a responsibility to protect the world’s oceans, Ocean Family Foundation seeks out and donates to existing or start-up marine and ocean-orientated conservation projects. As well as Ocean Talks, Ocean Family Foundation supports Oceans Without Borders, Yachts for Science, Worldrise, Volvo Ocean Race, Save the Med, Trash Hero, UKSA and A Plastic Planet, among others.
For more information on Ocean Talks, please contact or follow the hashtag #OceanTalks.