BOAT International and Blue Marine Foundation Ocean Awards

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The categories of the Ocean Awards 2025

5 November 2024 • Written by Hannah Rankine

The Ocean Awards, held in partnership with Nekton and in association with Kensington Yachts, recognise individuals, communities, organisations and businesses that have made significant contributions to the health of the marine environment. The awards also honour efforts in sustainable management of marine resources or public engagement with the oceans during the qualifying period.

The nominated project must have been completed between 1 January and 31 December 2024.

There are four categories of awards:

  • The Local Hero
  • Innovation
  • Science Impact
  • Ocean Education

The Local Hero

This award recognises the individual or (grassroots/community-based/local) group that has had the most positive impact on the marine environment within their local community this year. The winner will be a recognised leader on marine conservation issues within their community. Special attention will be paid to those working in an unfavourable environment or circumstances.

Criteria: Nominees for this award must have a) initiated a promising effort for the benefit of the ocean within their community or b) significantly improved, advanced or revived an existing effort towards new achievements.


This award recognises the individual, company or group that has publicly introduced innovative measures for reducing stress on the oceans or for improving ocean health this year. This might include business operations that are not undertaken at the expense of the marine environment or the development of promising new technologies that benefit the marine environment.

Criteria: Nominees for this award must have undertaken activities or commitments to significantly develop or implement products, services, processes or measures that have – or are likely to have – a positive impact on the health of the marine environment.

Science Impact

This award recognises the individual or research team that has made an original scientific contribution with a proven impact on sustainable ocean stewardship.

Criteria: Nominees for this award must have significantly contributed towards a peer-reviewed publication or a game-changing scientific study that has been used to support a thriving ocean.

Ocean Education

This award honours an individual or group that has made outstanding contributions to educating others about marine science and/or conservation. The winner will have developed innovative educational programmes or resources that increase public understanding and awareness of ocean issues.

Criteria: Nominees must have initiated or significantly advanced educational initiatives that promote ocean literacy among target audiences. Particular attention will be paid to programmes that engage underserved communities or have achieved broad reach with demonstrable impact.

Nominations for the Ocean Awards 2025 are now closed. If you have any questions, please contact the BOAT International events team.