Brokerage Market Data

Superyacht sales data and market data updated daily by the BOATPro research team, based on BOAT International's market-leading brokerage news. Track the market in real-time and access over ten years of sales history.

Live Listings

Compare brokerage stock patterns, time on market, asking-price discounts and more to understand your competitive position.

Overall Market Trends

Ready-made reports show you year-on-year trends. Customise them yourself by LOA, yard, yacht age - more than 150 fields to choose from.

Overall Market Trends

Ready-made reports show you year-on-year trends. Customise them yourself by LOA, yard, yacht age - more than 150 fields to choose from.

Historical Listings & Sales

Use our powerful search and filtering to locate historical asking prices and inform your pricing strategies.

Compare Yachts

Find similar yachts in market right now and benchmark pricing across years of reliable sales data.

AIS For Brokerage

You're looking after valuable assets. Keep an eye on them with BOATPro AIS using custom fleets and alerts to ensure you know where they are all the time.

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